Maths, English & German Tutoring to Achieve Your Goals
The right tutor can be the difference in achieving your desired grade.
Our tutoring service has helped hundreds of students and the people wants to learn languages.
German Tutoring to Achieve Your Goals
Teaching you how to communicate effectively in German!
A fresh take on education
We tutor children from ages 4 – 16 years and offer tailored learning programmes covering Maths, English and German. Education designed to meet the individual needs of your needs.
A fresh take on education
We tutor children from ages 4 – 18 years and offer tailored learning programmes covering Maths, English and German. Education designed to meet the individual needs of your needs. Adults are welsome in language sessions!
Online Tutoring
Remote Learning
Learn from anywhere, using your desktop, tablet or mobile phone. Our tutoring is interactive and practical.
Experienced Tutors
Our tutors have tones of experience between them and are experts in their subject fields.
Our Tuition
Amazing Results
Almost all of our students go on to achieve higher grades than they expected after completing tutoring with us. Super Learning with us!
You’re in Excellent hands 🙌
1-2-1 Online Tutoring
We offers a variety of study options in all levels, from beginner to advanced.
We charge 240 HK dollars per hour for our 1-2-1 Online Tutoring service at the fundermental. We offer discounts for booking a bulk amount of sessions.
We require a minimum of 6 sessions to be booked in order to receive 1-2-1 tutoring, which can then be conducted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Group Online Tutoring
Our group sessions are 120 HK dollars per hour with the group of 5 people.
A group with 2 people are 175 HK dollars per hours.We offer a variety of learning options at all levels, from beginner to advanced to group classes.
We require a minimum of 6 sessions to be booked in order to join our group tutoring sessions, which can are conducted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Daily Schedule
- 5pm | A1 German Course
- 5pm | F1 Maths Course
- 5pm | F1 English Course
- 6pm | A1 German Course
- 6pm | F2 Maths Course
1. Check and confirm each tutor’s schedule.